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Version: 2.0.29

System Status

In this menu [Configuration>General Settings >System Status] there are several widgets and tables with detailed information about the system parameters and status of its components, for example: free disk space, CPU load, up time and so on.

There are three buttons:

  • Shute down button - system shutdown

  • Restart button - system restart

There are the following widgets:

  • System Information
  • Uptime
  • Memory usage
  • OS Disk Drive
  • Datastore Disk Drive
  • CPU
  • Network Interfaces
  • Services
  • Backup
  • System logs

System Information

  • System Name - individual system name
  • CPU - processor type
  • Total RAM - total RAM
  • Management IP - IP address for system management

Uptime - system operation time since last startup in the format dd/hh/mm/ss

CPU - CPU load

Memory usage - memory usage by total, used and free

Datastore Disk Drive there is a table with the following columns:

Name - system directory name

Usage - directory disk usage by used, total and free

Datastore Disk Drive - Datastore disk usage by used of total

OS Disk Drive - OS disk drive usage by used and total

Network Interfaces there is a table with the following columns:

  • Name - interface name

  • Status - interface status Up/Down

  • IP - interface IP adress

  • MAC - interface MAC adress

  • Mode - interface mode

  • Managed - true/false

  • Autoconnect

  • In - number of bits per second

  • Out - number of bits per second

  • Action - buttons to enter interface edit mode

  • Edit interface - there are following fields to specify:

    • MAC
    • *MTU
    • Driver
    • Status
    • IPv4 - DHCP/Static/Disabled
    • IPv6 -DHCP/ Static
    • DNS Servers
    • IP Address
    • Gateway


There is a table with the following columns:

  • Name

  • Description

  • State

  • Sub state

  • Load state

  • Action - buttons Stop, Restart and Show logs

  • Show logs button - opens the window with a table containing event Timestamp and Message related to it. Download button allows to save logs to a local disk

System logs

  • Generate logs button - generates a log file which is saved on the user's local disk